Source: waiter/callbacks.js

 * Callback function to set the waiter input on shown.
 * @function
 * @param  {string} id - Id of element to show.
export const setWaiterShownInput = (id) => {
  let input = "waiter_shown";
  if (id !== null) input = id + "_" + input;

  Shiny.setInputValue(input, true, { priority: "event" });
 * Callback function to set the waiter input on hidden.
 * @function
 * @param  {string} id - Id of element to show.
export const setWaiterHiddenInput = (id) => {
  let input = "waiter_hidden";
  if (id !== null) input = id + "_" + input;

  Shiny.setInputValue(input, true, { priority: "event" });